Plant-Based Plant-Nation!
Plant-Based Plant-Nation!
As a packaging company, we are seeing more and more meat-free, dairy-free and vegan food sleeves and boxes, going down our production line.
The rise of Veganism is tightly connected to a younger generation. They are rethinking the food they eat and have a growing concern about the planet. Additionally, there is a growing number of people who want to eat vegan items from time to time.
Over 250,000 people participated in this year’s ‘Veganuary,’ the diet that abstains from animal products. It has been rising in popularity, and has gained many more followers worldwide. The estimated number of vegans in the UK is around 600,000, with an increase of 400% over the last four years. Some of the most famous ambassadors for the diet are Joaquin Phoenix, Madonna and Beyonce.
Competition is intensifying fast in the vegan space. Chefs today need to stretch their creativity and make vegan dishes a serious priority. Physical limitations on freezer space are a real challenge. But, the future for plant-based brands in frozen nevertheless looks bright. Strong Roots, the recent fastest-growing privately owned food company in the UK, raised $18.3m this month after being expanded into 3,000 US stores. The Irish frozen food business expects to make sales of $50 million this year. The founder, Samuel Dennigan stated that “Consumers globally are more educated than ever about harnessing the nutritional benefits and delicious taste of plant-based foods and are looking for high-quality options that are convenient to prepare.” https://www.irishtimes.com/business/agribusiness-and-food/irish-frozen-food-company-strong-roots-raises-18-3m-1.4013743 (Irish Times, 2019)
Just Eat named Veganism as a top consumer trend in 2018 — due to a 94% increase in “healthy food ordered.” https://www.independent.ie/life/food-drink/veganism-trend-set-to-grow-in-popularity-in-2018-according-to-just-eat-36443713.html
Is your brand going to join our many customers and follow this growing trend? Has this been your USP from the start? Get in touch, we’d love to find out about your journey!

Chocolatey Clare – Vegan Chocolate!